Friday 19 April 2013

Glorious day for 5x50

View from the Prom at the Seafield end 

There may have been a bit of a headwind on the way out, but the return was glorious, squinting against the sun and birling along with the wind on the tail.
20 days down: 30 to go on the 5x50. Over a third of the way through and just 5 days off the halfway mark. Last year various people I knew were doing the 5x50. They looked awfully fit. At first I thought: 5k - that's quite easy, Once in a while.I thought that this consistency of daily exercise was too difficult to fit into my busy life, running a business and all.
Now I'm doing it, the consistency IS hard, especially on days when the weather is foul. It's easy to turn off the alarm which is now set half an hour earlier than before. As an evening person, I only half joke that by doing this before breakfast, it gets it done before I wake up...
But every day I postponed the challenge to later on, it just makes it harder to fit into the day. The exception was the day when there was ice and frost on the ground - it warmed-up significantly to the point that it was a delight to go out - especially compared to what it was like earlier.
Plus early networking meetings would mean doing the challenge in the cold and dark - but I can fit in the challenge on the way back to the office.
I do have the option of doing this indoors on the static bike. Or doing a 30 mins exercise class - my Zuma DVD comes to mind. But nothing beats exercise and fresh air, although the air part is often delivered force-fed when you live by the sea!

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page: Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Thursday 18 April 2013

True grit - flying in my face on the 5x50

Today looked promising: calmish sea and sunshine,  but by the time I got the bike out, the wind was rising. The sand on the Prom was whipping into my face - but carried on and made it to the halfway mark. Reckon that was true grit, both inside and out! The return journey was like stepping into another day: all warm and sunny with a fine tail wind. Back in no time! Another 5k clocked up before breakfast.

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page: Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

First cold, then wind, now rain on the 5x50 Challenge

When I started the 5x50 challenge there was frost on the ground, the snow line was about 100' above. Despite wanting to do the challenge first thing, I often waited until the day warmed up to avoid skidding about - I'm not a confident cyclist. 

Then there was strong gusting winds which burled me along, hiding their strength for the return journey when I turned to face them and battle back. At least I had the option of walking back, unlike my lovely hubbie who led the way by signing up for this challenge first, despite his wonky ankles which been playing up recently.

Now today it's rain. At least I have good waterproofs and the cycle helmet peak provides much better protection from the rain than I remember - possibly the last time, it was more horizontal rain. 

Still, another 5k clocked up. Be good to raise a £1 for every k....

Practical Action Fundraising Update

Got my first £s for PR Tips at ConnectED yesterday morning at Cargo. I think that's a fund-raising ploy I can do more of. It was good fun, pulling the bright orange Practical Action T-shirt on over the smart business top to run the session. The goodwill and interest in the room about Practical Action's work was palpable, so they're getting free PR as well. 

Another ploy I'm toying with is to make rock cakes - the only cake I know i can make. Maybe Joppa Rocks cakes since we live near Joppa Rocks - and Joppa does indeed rock as a great place to live. 

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page: Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Practical Action's finest and a face to match the colour...

This, day 12 of the 5x50 challenge, has been the first day that felt warm(ish) enough to ditch the windproof jacket. Time to don the jolly T-shirt from Practical Action! This pic was taken around half-way through today's 5k. With a face almost as bright as the T-shirt, I do look a bit chilly underneath the grin, but it's all for a good cause and the unflattering head/ear band stopped my ears from freezing over. I think we got the best of the day, including a little sunshine. I also managed the climb at the end of the Prom up to Seafield Road for the first time in my highest gear on my old mountain bike. Looks like 70k of cycling to date is starting to show some improvement in the old cycling legs.

Also bowling along wondering how to raise money. Thinking about Joppa Rocks nearby and the fact that the only bun I can bake reliably is the forgiving rock cake...and although I say it myself, they are rather good as I put in plenty of fruit and spices. I feel a fund-raising coffee and cake bake-in coming on....

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page: Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Monday 8 April 2013

1 week down and motoring!

Had a suspiciously fast cycle along the Prom. Turned to return at Seafield and the wind I thought had been blowing across me, turned out to have been blowing me along. So it was on the nose all the way home. So much for me thinking my legs were getting stronger! But at least it was not cold today - for the first time since the Challenge started - here in Edinburgh at least.

Finished off week one of the 5x50 challenge with a 20k cycle along & back on the re-vamped Pencaitland railway. The improvements include 11 interesting memory boards from people that has been involved in the mining and the railway. Plus a lovely resurfaced track and posh benches and a picnic area. A community garden in the making too.

Less than 6 weeks to go now. After the foul weather we had lately it seems ages since I had good exercise outdoors. The thing I notice/remember most is how good I feel exercising in fresh air. Thanks to the 5x50 for getting me out there. 
Best cycle to date: the Pencaitland old rail track. 
Best walk/run - Arthur's Seat. Easiest option: we are so lucky living next to the Prom in Joppa. We can do a blast along and back on a good level surface in c20 mins on mountain bikes.

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page: Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Cold blast in best time yet

Joppa Beach at sunset

It wasn't warm this morning, with a mild breeze on the side, but at least it wasn't on the nose.
Belted along the Prom from Joppa to Seafield and back on the bike, doing three x 30 seconds HIIT sessions on the way - High Intensity Interval Training boosts fitness faster with short but very intense blasts. Certainly got the circulation going and got back faster than ever. Worked out that I can build to six HIITs over the 50 days by adding one extra every couple of weeks. Fitness and fund-raising - perfect combo!

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page:

Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Sun comes to Joppa and inspires my mini beach clean

What a glorious day for my 4/50 blast: warm and sunny - it this our one day of summer...?
Started on the Prom at Joppa then dropped down onto the beach where I spotted a car tyre. Once I'd got the sand out of it, I was able to heave it up onto the Prom, and that was me in back in beach clean mode.
It took 10 mins longer to do the first 1k, but on the way I must have collected 3 poly bagfuls of beer cans, plastic bottles, old polypropylene rope, sweetie wrappers and assorted plastic objects that should not return to a marine environment on the next tide.
Then I got on with the other 4k - or I'd never have got any work done today.
Last time I did this, I found most of the bits of a scooter except the engine, plus loads more poly bagfuls. And that's on top of the council's regular beach-cleaning tractor. Think I'll start a waste collection challenge on the local Portobello websites when this 5x50 is over. Seems that challenges are quite addictive!

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page:

Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.

Monday 1 April 2013

5 x 2 - so far, so good.

All those ks to do....

Well, two days in and have 10k under my trainers: day one was a 5k run/walk done at the start of a fast day - I'm on the 5:2 diet. which is working great. I also did a hard couple of hours pruning in the garden  and a load of other stuff, so I was puggled by 8pm and had one of the best sleeps ever - out for 12 hours straight. I find the fast days promote very deep sleep.
Felt fabulous today. Did a much faster 5k on the bike. I incorporated three HIIT bursts today for good measure.
Been out both mornings first thing and reckon all this exercise and fresh air is oxygenating me nicely. Have done loads more in the house and garden. Let's see what happens when I'm back at my desk tomorrow. Still going to do my 5x 50 despite going to connectED at Cargo first thing. Will do it before settling down to work.
Really pleased that I'm managing ok without preparatory training so far. Fingers crossed I can keep it up.

Practical Action - my inspiration for this 5x50 2013 challenge. 

Donate at: Virgin Money Giving page:

Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries and each year help around a million people break out of the cycle of poverty ... for good.